by Timothy J Pagliara | Dec 20, 2022 | Leadership
Every day at work, conflict resolution can disrupt the momentum of a team or a leader, and it can become a toxic environment for the entire organization. Leaders can allow conflict to fester instead of addressing it head-on, leading to a situation where the whole...
by Timothy J Pagliara | Jul 1, 2021 | Law
Legal scholars are putting forward a creative solution for what is rapidly becoming a crisis in America – the inability to afford an attorney. The wealthy class has no problem hiring and paying for whatever legal representation they need. Those at the lower end of the...
by Timothy J Pagliara | Feb 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced a variety of unfamiliar situations on countless individuals, and this certainly includes attorneys. However, the new work at home atmosphere has created entirely new career landmines that could endanger your...
by Timothy J Pagliara | Nov 16, 2020 | Law
In the modern marketplace, competition is held in high regard. Competition is supposed to breed innovation, improve products, and provide consumers with choices that can better fit their needs. But competition can be a tricky thing, and businesses don’t mind playing...
by Timothy J Pagliara | Nov 16, 2020 | Law
Securities Law is a unique point of interaction between business and legal professionals. Securities lawyers have to have a keen financial sense, as well as in-depth knowledge of a very complex set of legal concepts. But if you are interested in a career under this...